Janaury UFO Challenge Project and Stashbusting report

Stashbusting – one poor little yard of fabric used to cut some borders and that’s it for this week.  Now that the sewing room is once again clean and I can see my table, I’m going to get a couple projects layered so just maybe I can make a bit of a bigger move than one yard at a time.  So despite that 15 yard setback into the red two weeks ago, I’m  a whole whopping 5.5 yards in the black again.

Andl I’m only nearly three months behind on the UFO challenge.  My January project, Frozen Delights I actually did get quilted in January some time (or maybe early February) but it’s been siting waiting for me to hand stitch the binding. Part of the problem was I buried the quilt in my sewing room mess and just uncovered it yesterday.  So last night got the binding stitched down finally!

  Notice all that green behind the quilt.  I think last week you could have sat outside and watched those leaves pop out on the trees.

Below are a few other photos of how I quilted some of the blocks — they are all a bit different, quilted in threads to match their fabrics.

Back to the spring cleaning.  The bathrooom floor should be dry by now so I can finish off that room.


Good things do come in threes….

Look what I found in my mail today!  I’ a “cover girl” again. 🙂

The advance copies of Quiltmaker’s next issue arrived and my design made the cover again.  Once again I can’t take credit for actually sewing the design – time constraints prohibited that – but Denise Starck (hey coincidence – same first name) stitched it and it’s beautiful.

No time to make the whole quilt (I know that what’s like) – just one of the package blocks would make a cute little wallhanging or a couple of them a table runner – lots of possibilities.

Now if that wasn’t enough fun and excitement….. the latest design I did for Hoffman California Fabrics “Dainty Blossoms” fabric collection is now available for download on their website under the free patterns link.


So if subscribe and got the original verison of this post in your email you were probably wondering — can’t she count? that’s only two good things.  Well somehow the third got lost when I published the post.

The third good thing – if you check out EQ Boutique, my latest block collection “Frozen Delights” is now available for sale.  Unlike the version of this project previously done on the blog, the blocks in this collection are all applique  No pieced ones.  And there’s new ones added that weren’t in the blog project.  🙂

Sunday’s Sewing Progress

The sashings and cornerstones are now added and rows sewn together.  But I decided I really hate sewing 1-1/2″ wide sashing and cornerstone sections. LOL  There’s supposed to be a row of them that goes around the whole outside of this center but I may opt for just a plain fabric to go around it.  Will have to think on that.  But it was great to actually get some sewing done.  While doing that I baked a batch of  chocolate chip cookies to sustain me.  I may need to go make some coffee to go with them.

I may try to get some of the pinwheel pieces cut tonight yet and then I need to get that hanging sleeve done for the other project and make a label.

And I need to play in EQ for a while to come up with an idea for the submission for the next 100 Blocks project.  I need to come up with a plan so I can get busy stitching it.


While cleaning up all the yarn mess yesterday, I ended up with these two baskets of leftovers.

 Most of that yarn is left overs from socks — so that represents a whole lot of socks since there’s also a large mason jar lamp that has the base full of little balls of left over sock yarn too.  Once of these days I’ll do something with them but for now, they’ll just fill the baskets.


Design Wall Monday

I actually have something up on the design wall!

These are the two blocks I just put the finishing stitches in.  I’ve got all the main blocks done for Frozen Delights.  So now I can move onto the sashing and all those pinwheel blocks.

Here’s my quilt so far.

The colors are really off in the photo – too yellowish  – since the background is really a light gray but you get the idea.  I’ll need to get a better photo once it’s all together outside in the daylight.


Two more blocks stitched

It’s stashbusting report day – which I’ve been a slacker on for a couple weeks – because I just haven’t had any quilting time.  On the upside, I haven’t done any shopping either so haven’t added to the stash.  next week I should have something to report since I’ll have the fabrics used for this project to add into the list.

Finished off these two blocks.  It’s a lovely day here  – the humidity has lefft and it’s sunny and nice so  I finished the last of the stitching on them this morning sitting on the patio sippin my coffee.  Just two more to cut out and stitch and I can start setting the center together.

So this is what I’ve got so far.  Now I have to decide what to fabrics to use for the last two blocks.  And I may end up rearranging some blocks to move the colors around a bit.

  The table in the sewing room has become buried under scraps from this project so once I figure the fabrics from this project so once I figure out what to use for the last two blocks, I can tidy up the mess a bit and dig out the sewing machine so I can get a hanging sleeve made for another project.



Okay – I forgot to add the other blocks – I will do that tho they could easily be figured out from the blocks already posted.  Remember all blocks will be removed Sept. 1 so be sure to check back to get them if you want them.

Frozen Delights – the final blocks

   The final blocks of Frozen Delight are now loaded on its Page —  Double Scooper and Triple Scoop Waffle Cone.  Please note the Triple Scoop pattern pages also include the instructions to assemble the rest of the quilt with sashing measures, pinwheel blocks etc.

If you want any of the patterns in this project, be sure to download them BEFORE SEPTEMEMBER 1 when they will be removed and no longer available.

I still need to stitch these blocks myself – I’ve been busy writing up some patterns and have had no quality sewing time – which I hope to get too soon — very soon — since the procrastination continues and I still have a hanging sleeve and label to make for a wallhanging.  I’ve now procrastinated about two months working on other stuff but time is dwindling!

I’ve also been rolling right along on my Camp Loopy 3 shawl.  I’ve only got about 3 or 4 more rows to add – but then a row takes a long time.  I don’t know how many stitches are in it now but there’s a whole lot to stitch across!  But I have to plan carefully so I don’t run out of yarn mid cast off. It has to be finished by Sept. 15 so I’m actually ahead of schedule.

I’m slowly getting used to the new computer but have discovered that no, my printer is not compatible so I’ll need to get a new one one of these days along with a new pdf program but for the time being, still dumping stuff on the thumb drive to pdf and print on the old computer.  But I need to investigate a few of the other programs on this machine and see if I can solve the pdf issue another way.  But I’m liking it (despite the fact that the delete button is in the wrong place and I keep hitting the wrong key!) LOL


I’ve been appliquing….

   Here’s the Frozen Delights blocks I have done so far – finished the fudgesicles and have appliqued the single cones and dreamsicles but I’d like to know who took a bite out of my dreamsicles! 🙂  I love them with the bite missing.  Just the double and triple scoop cones left to go. 

I’ve moved the pdf downloads all to one page to make them easier to find.  You can click on the image of the Frozen Delights quilt in the right sidebar or find it under the Pages section.

I’ve added the Fudgesicle pattern and the Dreamsicle one to the downloads.

There’s other new exciting quilting things in the works here – just a teaser since I can’t tell you about them yet. 🙂

Also exciting – my new laptop has arrived so I need to spend some time getting it up and running and get all the programs loaded onto it and find that darn disk I need to get the internet acess on it which I know I put in someplace safe — just exactly where that safe place is, I’m not sure at the moment so will have to do so searching.

In the meantime, I’ve got a pattern to write up for Hoffman Fabrics, a new 100 Blocks idea to come up with, a sleeve and label to put on the current 100 Blocks wallhanging to get mailed in, and Granny’s Hankie block to get ready among other things.  Guess I’d better get busy!
