Here I am

I really haven’t fallen off the face of the earth. It’s just been a busy few weeks during which I took some vacation since my parents were here visiting from Arizona.   I’m behind in posting stashbusting reports (not that I’ve been doing much sewing in the past few weeks) and design wall mondays – no real progress there either.  However, I plan to get in the sewing room today.   Plus, I left my camera at my sister’s and was waiting for it to be mailed back – I was lost without it – no photos to post.  And I left my sock instructions behind so couldn’t finish my sock I was knitting.

What to do instead – start another sock of course with different yarn and a different pattern.  So I am accumulating many single socks and will have to start on their mates soon.  But evil influence, Judy L, mentioned SimplySocks and having bought more yarn.  Well I had to check out their yarn and was compelled to order some more, along with a new pattern and another size needles.  Course she’s not really too evil an influence because I have discovered after seeing her pretty socks that (1)I do like knitting them – something different to do and (2)  such a portable project, (3) they look hard to do but really aren’t (which she assured me of and was correct), and (4) SimplySock does have some really gorgeous yarns and fantastic customer service.  I placed my order one night and the next day had an email letting me know they only had one ball of one yarn I wanted (I had ordered 2) and were sold out of one other color at the moment – did I want to order something else or wait for them since it would take about a month?  I so appreciate companies that go this extra step – so that I was given the option to change to something else rather than getting my order minus those two yarns and not finding out until I arrived that they were backordered.  No affiliation other than a happy customer but these are the types of companies I like to deal with.  And of course I’ll fess up that lovely yarns are just as addictive as lovely quilting fabric!

So as for quilting, right now I’ve got 96  six inch swap blocks on my design wall.  I’m going to be playing with those today.  I’ve also got a couple more quilt designs nearly ready to load to the EQ files for free download.

Look at this hydrangeas — a friend brought them over for me this morning.  That front one measures a full 12″ across – it’s amazing to me that they grow that big here.  They are gorgeous.


Now to finally get into the sewing room. I’m suffering quilting withdrawal.

2 comments on “Here I am

  1. The flowers are gorgeous!

    I heard of a lady at my yarn shop the other day who has 2nd sock syndrome. She cured it by knitting each sock a different pattern. Each pair of socks are made up of 2 patterns. I would imagine that few people would notice! Interesting idea!

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