This Happy Morning – update on plans

yes lord First – I called this chart by the wrong name in my last post.  It’s not “This is the Day” it is “This Happy Morning” by Plum Street Samplers.

I had originally planned to change some things on my version of this – like leave off the peacock and urn and that leafy fine above them.  The words are charted over one for linen, so I pulled out my Ultimate Sampler Motifs book by Brenda Keyes to find an alphabet to use to rechart it for Aida once I found the graph paper book.

Here’s where I am at the moment – there was a nap that interrupted my stitching time or those words would be much farther along!     Since my words will be larger, I moved them to the top where those vines are.   And as I was stitching those, a new plan of attack for this piece was formulated.

KODAK Digital Still Camera

I had originally planned to duplicate the deer and some of the trees on the other side of the barn where I was removing the peacock, etc.  But, depending on where the words end, I may just add the berry vine up the right side next to the barn.   Also – all that grass below the barn -likely not stitching more than a couple rows of it depending on how I want to adjust that bottom border.  That also will make it a smaller, more frameable size project if I decided to frame it.   I only brought down the left side border to meet the bottom of the barn row and after I get the words in, will make decisions on how I want to do the rest of it.

Time to make some dinner first before settling in for an evening of stitching.

This Is The Day – progress

This happy morning

Here’s the last photo I had shared of my progress.  But I had worked on this after the photo was taken prior to my picking it up again yesterday and all the main darker color “floral” motifs I had finished on the side of the barn.

So when I picked it up again yesterday, I filled in the lighter shade of red on the barn side which took a while.  That’s a deceivingly big barn – it must measure about 5.5 – 6″ wide.  I’m actually thinking I may make this one into a throw pill for the couch rather than framing it.    I’m working my way down that vine.  The windows in the barn are supposed to have backstitched light color windowpanes but I’m going to leave those off.

KODAK Digital Still Camera

It’s sort of a cold, very windy, dreary day here – the temps have not even hit 40 degrees yet which of course with the high winds we had yesterday and today, makes it feel even colder.

My immediate task for the morning  is to get that fridge cleaned out – I hate that job.  But grocery order will be delivered in a little while and the fridge is a disorganized mess.  Must hop to it.