Piece & Comfort Challenge by Moda

Challenge quilts from various participating quilt shops are now available for viewing (and voting!) on the Moda blog.

The challenge was to create a quilt, meeting the size requirements, and using the challenge fabrics.  There were two different fabric lines that you could use and pretty much the rest of was up to the quilter.  I’m always up for a challenge and most of my quilts are donated to one place or another, so this was the perfect opportunity to find a way to use the fabric and then in the end, have it donated to a military family.  The quilt design as actually already drawn in EQ but I hadn’t found the right fabrics to use for it.  When I saw the fabric that has the silhouettes of service people on it, I thought the design just might be perfect since I didn’t want to cut that particular fabric up much.

The quilts, when finished, were to be sent to “your participating quilt shop”.  In this case, my participating quilt shop, from where I ordered the fabric (which also happens to be my favorite online yarn shop) is over 1,000 miles away in Ft. Collins, CO.  🙂  Off to The Loopy Ewe I sent my quilt called: Diamond Formation.

loopyewequilt Sheri, owner of The Loopy Ewe (TLE), snapped this photo and posted in the Ravelry TLE fabric thread of my quilt hanging in the shop. (Yes there is a Ravelry thread for Loopy Fabric Groupies). 🙂

The second photo I snagged off the Moda blog, which I’m sure was taken by Sheri’s very talented photographer husband.

So, one quilt photo was then submitted to Moda per quilt shop for judging there.  (I lucked out – I think I was the only submission) 😉   So on to the voting on the Moda blog for the quilt you like best.  If you choose to vote for me, thanks!  It’s listed in the right sidebar of the Moda Blog as “The Loopy Ewe – Denise Russart”.  However, there are many gorgeous quilts in the submissions – some original, some not, some modern, some traditional – so much eye candy!  And if you make Quilts of Valor or other patriotic quilts — you may get some new quilt ideas.

The link to the Moda Blog is http://blog.modafabrics.com/2015/04/piece-comfort/


You can see all the quilts at that link and vote for the one you like best. Voting is open until midnight, May 6 and you can vote once a day.

Now if patriotic fabrics aren’t your thing, but quilts with flying geese in them are, I’m planning a quilt along using this same pattern.  For the quilt along, the design has been renamed Block Party Picnic (named after the fabric line I picked to use for my quilt along version (Block Party – which by coincidence is also Moda Fabric and can be found at The Loopy Ewe)  (totally unsolicited plug for TLE – I love their fabric selections and heck you earn “rewards” buying fabric just like buying yarn, what’s not to love.  It’s like getting a present when that Box of Fun arrives and your fabrics are all in tidy stacks tied up with bright red ribbons).

Anyway, here’s the EQ drawing of the version I’ll be making for the quilt along. It’s a very bright and happy quilt in those fabrics so I can’t wait to start working on it.

The Block Party Picnic quilt along is set to start on May 25 May 23 (the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend in the U.S.).  If you click on the button for the information page about this quilt along (button is in the right sidebar and looks like the quilt image),  you’ll find all the pertinent information to date, including downloads for  yardage and a line drawing so you can color in and plot your own unique color placement of fabrics, etc.  The shop for some fun fabrics, dig in the stash, make every flying geese a different fabric, use 30’s prints, solids, what about a dark background and bright batiks – lots of possibilities – so I hope you’ll be gathering your fabrics so you can sew/quilt along with me.


A bit of applique

I spent part of the day working on my Loopy Fabric Challenge project  I decided I would make this design – or at least start with the center to Too Tired to Give a Hoot

and see where I go from there.  It currently looks like a giant egg with wings.


I’d be farther along except I was so warm and snug under my quilt watching a move as I was stitching that I took a bit of a snooze.  I hate that – slows down progress. LOL

Plus when I woke up I had to think really hard as to what day it was and just why I was at home. 🙂

Now to go cut out the face features which are what bring him to life (or at least wake him up a little).  And I’ve got a bit of the right wing left to stitch in place. I need to use all five of the fabrics from my short stack plus the extra fabric I could add (my tree fabric) but shouldn’t be hard to do – especially if I add the flying geese borders.