Sticks ‘n Strings – Finish #1

Okay now it’s getting really trickey to load photos. I can’t see them after I added them to the page but if I view a draft of the page they are there.  So in the end, there may be a photo on this page….. or not….. when you see it.  I don’t know what the heck WordPress did but I am now officially annoyed.

But back to the point of this blog post –  it’s my first finish of 2013 – completed on January 2 – just two days into the year not bad. LOL 

It’s the One Row Handspun Scarf Pattern from Yarnharlot which can be found on Ravelry.  I used two sock yarns held together.  One was Painted Tiger (love her hand dyed yarns) Bengal Twist in Blue Spruce and the other was a Poems Sock yarn that changed colors.  It will go into the gift/donate stash since I didn’t make it for anyone in particular until I decide what I want to do with it.  Since I finished a project – I can start a new project!   But since I don’t know what I want to start, I’ll keep knitting along on some socks in progress.

I’m also going to keep track again of the total yards knit  — adding them in only when a project is completed — simply because it’s fun to see how many miles of yarn you have knit.  I knit (completed) over 5 miles of yarn last year — hmmm wonder how much it would have been if I didn’t have all those half finished projects that weren’t counted!