Little Blue House

I’m glad I ripped out the “artichoke” floss for the house (see last post) and switched the color.  I love this little blue house.  I used Weeks Blue Heron and it’s such a pretty shade.  I also changed the roof color from a tan to match the inner window color.  That is Weeks Caper and I think it’s a great roof color with some subtle shading.  There are still some back stitched panes to go in those windows.

KODAK Digital Still Camera

This one will be had to give away as a gift but since it’s destined for someone who will love it as much as I do, it’s all good.  Plus, I could always stitch it again for me but not likely since there are so many things to stitch, I doubt I would stitch something twice, but you never know.

I just realized today is June 29 and I generally try to pull out my Leap Year Stitch on the 29th of the month and stitch on it for a day or two so maybe later I will work on that. But the usual weekend chores are up first.  I opened the door to see what it was like outside and although it’s sunny and not raining (thank goodness, I’ve had enough of rain) it is still so wet outside and incredibly humid.  Definitely don’t want to be spending time outside today.

2 comments on “Little Blue House

    • Yes it is so pretty – I think I need to get more of it so I have it on hand. I think a very large blue house would be beautiful so will have to keep that in mind when I have a house on some future chart to stitch.

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