A bad artichoke

KODAK Digital Still Camera

Just a little photo – literally – of the house from the stitch  I posted about in my last post.       I had to adjust the color in Photoshop to get it to look true to color as stitched but the reds in the border looked like they were bleeding all over the place (which they are not) so I cropped it down to just the part I wanted to show.

The color is Artichoke by Weeks that is supposed to be used to fill in the house but you can see how it looks like a bad painter slapped several different colors on it.  It’s the called for but clearly has changed over time as hand dyes can do.   The one I have is really variegated between almost a yellow to the sort of tealish shade the house appears to be in the chart.   I think I may have another skein of this color so will check that to see if it is the same and if so just pick a color from the stash similar to how it looks in the chart.   Time to do some ripping I think.

2 comments on “A bad artichoke

    • It wasn’t too bad. I decided to change the house color to a pretty blue. I decided the teal-ish green was going to fight with all the other greens in the border. So blue it is.

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