Summer Schoolhouse progress

KODAK Digital Still Camera

Here’s my progress so far on the last section of Summer Schoolhouse – my Leap Year project.   I decided to change the color of the house.  As you can see in the chart, it’s sort of tan color (that color is used on the little stand the big strawberry is sitting on) but after stitching that stand,  it just looked a bit drab to use for the house.  Since I’m using mostly the Victorian Clayton silks, I pulled a color from a different project I have kitted with those silks – the gold color  floss you can see right below the stitching.  It’s called Sun Wracked – you know I love a gold house.  And I was even brilliant enough to write on the back of the floss tag what project bag I stole it from so it gets back to that kitted project when I’m done.  I’ll probably work on this another day or two before putting it away for a while again.

Rember this  Grocery store – I was picking my parents’  brains when I talked to them recently about some of the shop names or who owned the shops in the village where I grew up.  Dad  remembered the original name of the grocery store (which was the name I knew it as the longest but I couldn’t remember what it was).  It was Murray’s.   I’m going to take out the “Fine’s” in the window.    The name “Murray’s” is too long to fit in that window and since that window was charted with the word “Fresh” for “Fresh Eggs”, I’ll stitch that in the window and then add an additional sign across the top of the building with the name “Murray’s” in it.

KODAK Digital Still Camera